Florida Guardianship: Incapacity Proceedings

The process of finding someone legally incapacitated begins with the filing of a petition to determine incapacity. In Jacksonville and other areas in Florida the petition can be filed by any adult person. The subject of the petition to determine incapacity is known as the Alleged Incapacitated Person.

As soon as the petition to determine incapacity if filed, the court appoints an examining committee and a Florida Guardianship Attorney to represent the Alleged Incapacitated person (AIP).

The Florida Attorney who is appointed to represent the AIP is not a guardian ad litem. Florida Statutes, Section 744.102(1) defines the duties of an attorney for an AIP. Such an attorney represents the AIP ans shall represent the expressed wishes of the AIP to the extent it is consistent with the rules regulating The Florida Bar. This means that they Florida Guardianship Attorney who is appointed to represent an AIP must represent the AIP like in any adversary proceedings. After all, the purpose of these proceedings is to determine whether or not important rights should be taken away from the AIP. A ward under a plenary guardianship has less rights than a convicted Felon in Florida.

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