
Florida Hospice Refusal to Allow Visitation

Recently we have notice that Hospice organizations are refusing to allow people to visit relatives or friends while under the care of Hospice.

In these cases, the people were turned away because someone with a Power of Attorney was able to state that the person was not wanted.

It is important to remember that a Power of Attorney or Durable Power of Attorney give an agent the right to act in certain circumstances. In Florida, a Power of Attorney does not give someone the right to make decisions regarding where they are located, who they can visit, or who they can talk to.

It is possible to make these decisions for an individual, but only when someone has been appointed as their Florida Guardianship. Even if someone is the Florida Guardian they may not have these rights.

If you have a loved one and you are being prevented from seeing them because of a Power of Attorney you should Contact a Florida Estate Planning Lawyer to discuss your situation.

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