
Locating a Missing Heir in a Florida Probate Matter

Because many people move to Florida when they retire, it can make it harder to find family members who have not remained close with their relatives. Section 733.816 of the Florida Statutes is discusses what is to be done when an heir cannot be found. The Florida Statute provides that an attorney has to expend a reasonable effort in order to find the “missing heir,” and also that notice must be given to the “missing heir.”

The funds are then held by the court for 10 years. A “missing heir” must have a court hearing if he or she is claiming a right to those funds. It is probably best that a “missing heir” be represented by a Jacksonville Florida Probate Litigation attorney who knows the proper documents to file with the court.

If you think you may be a “missing heir” or if you are currently involved with an estate or probate matter in Florida that cannot find an heir, you should contract a Jacksonville Probate attorney that can evaluate your circumstances and determine. You can contact a Florida Probate lawyer online or by calling 904-685-1200.

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