Jacksonville Elder Law Lawyers keep up with legal matters as well as non-legal matters when it comes to advocating and educating the elderly. A recent article published in the Times of India discusses a study conducted by scientists at the University of South Florida and the University of Shanghai.
The findings of an 8 month controlled trial, compared a group of Chinese seniors who practiced Tai Chi (a Chinese form of self-defense that has evolved into a graceful exercise) 3 times a week to a group with no intervention. The results of the study found increases in brain volume and improvements on tests of memory and thinking in those seniors who practiced Tai Chi three times a week. The same trial also showed increases in brain volume and more limited cognitive improvements in a group that participated in lively discussions 3 times per week over the same period.
This was the first trial to show that a less aerobic form of exercise, Tai Chi, as well as stimulating conversation, led to increases in brain volume and improvements on psychological tests of memory and thinking.
Unlike many exercises, when engaging in Tai Chi one uses cognitive functions such as attention and coordination that may strengthen not only the body’s muscles but also the brain’s muscles. No doubt this gentle “meditation in motion” exercise will have beneficial results for many elders.
There are also numerous legal methods to ensure that Florida elderly combat the negative results that accompany dementia and Alzheimer’s. Negative results are when an aging person is no longer able to dictate and make his or her own decisions. When an elderly person begins to lose their capacity, their children or other relatives may end up making financial and health decisions for them. These decisions may be contrary to what the elderly person would have chose.
Having a discussion with Elder Law Attorneys is good for your health. Elders will learn about ways to qualify for Medicaid, ways to protect their assets, and ways to preserve their wishes about health, finances and inheritance matters. It is in the best interest of the elderly to talk with an attorney prior to the onset of physical and cognitive disability.
So, engaging in exercise, especially the moderate movements of Tai Chi is good for one’s mental health. Likewise, consulting with a Jacksonville Elder Law Lawyer, is also good for one’s health.