The person selected to have the authority to act on the behalf of a principal. An attorney-in-fact can be any adult that the principal selects. (He or she need not be a Florida lawyer.) Typically, people appoint an attorney-in-fact in a power-of attorney, granting the attorney-in-fact the power to transact business (enter into agreements, contracts, make transfers of property, etc.) in accordance with the power-of-attorney. The authority of the attorney-in-fact cannot last beyond the life of the principal. In most cases a power of attorney expires if the principal becomes disabled or incapicated. Florida allows for a Durable Power of Attorney that can become effective upon a disability, an occurrence of an event, or at the time that the document is signed. Florida law provides that a durable power of attorney is not impacted by a persons subsequently disability. The agent can also use this power to help the principal qualify for Florida Medicaid.